Friday, February 25, 2011

Must-Read Blog Posts of the Week

List of interesting blog posts from the Seattle Startup community on the last week:

Erin Kutz/Xconomy Seattle
Foreign competition is rising, and U.S. consumers haven?t departed from their penny-pinching mentality of The Great Recession, and behind this double whammy...

Jeff Pecor/Yapta
The USA Today recently published an article that outlined the "5 germiest places at the airport and on the plane" and offered tips for avoiding...

randfish/SEOmoz Blog
<p>Posted by <a href="">randfish</a></p><p>In 2010, SEOmoz's software business...

Derek Johnson/The Derek Johnson
Recently I?ve heard a more than average amount of customers ask if we are ever going to allow the ability to target text message campaigns based...

Meadow Creek Blog
Yeah you, one of the two hundred�thousand home based businesses on the Puget Sound area.� I know, you?re a serious entrepreneur.� You?re going to be a big... (Mason Boswell)/Patent Advice Blog - Mason Boswell
New clients sometimes ask me how to choose a patent attorney. The field is specialized enough that from the outside all patent attorneys may look the same...

Alison Clancy/LiquidPlanner
Hi there! I?m Alison, the new Online Marketing Manager at LiquidPlanner . Project management is all about timelines and deadlines, right? Well, here?s my...

Brier Dudley (Seattle Times)
To accommodate new employees that it expects to hire this year, Google is expanding its offices in Seattle and Kirkland. The company's been talking up its...

Dave Hardwick/Job Hacking
I've been recruiting for several roles of late (C++ Mobile Software Developer, Build Engineer, System Admin, Release Project Manager, etc.), and every resume...

You know things are heating up in the technology job market when companies start offering five-figure bounties -- as SEOMoz just did -- for referrals to...

From Seattle 2.0

Marcelo Calbucci
Yesterday we hosted our first Seattle Tech-N-Tell , an event where six startups showed their products to more than 230 people, most of them entrepreneurs or pre-entrepreneurs. The house was packed...

Marcelo Calbucci
Hey, which platform is better to develop a web application? The one you don?t know! That?s how a lot of developers think. That?s the exact answer I found on a QA site. Speaking from experience...

Aaron Franklin
LazyMeter has now been in beta for 2 weeks.�Our first cohort of 50 users has already completed hundreds of actions using LazyMeter.�After being told repeatedly to ?just get to beta?, I now know why...

Marcelo Calbucci
If you enjoyed the Seattle Tech-N-Tell event you should also check out the Demolicious event in Portland being co-hosted by our friends at Silicon Florist . The event will be on March 2nd at 6...

Simone Mütherthies Carrie Underwood Rosario Dawson Tricia Helfer Elena Lyons

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