Monday, April 4, 2011

Ravaging villages, pilfering gold: Hoard comes to PC today

If there's one thing that Hoard makes clear, it's that dragons are jerks. Big mean jerks who will burn down a village and kidnap a princess just to get their claws on some gold. The debut title from Big Sandwich Games, Hoard blends the gameplay of classic arcade games with the structure of a board game. The result is a unique and addictive experience that, while lacking a little in variety, will help unleash your inner, fire-breathing jerk.

The game was released on the PlayStation Network last November, but comes to Steam today for the sale price of $7.50, with four-packs available for $27 if you'd like to get your friends into the game for some co-op or multiplayer. The game also supports Steamworks, so one purchase will get the game on your PC and Mac systems. Here's what we thought of the game.

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