It's lunchtime during the first of two Star Wars: The Old Republic immersion days at the EA Redwood Shores campus, and the game designers leading the event are panicking: everyone is talking about Portal 2. Instead of discussing the three exclusive hours of SWTOR we just played, most of the writers are chatting about yesterday's Portal 2 release and single-player campaign, which everyone feels pales in comparison to its co-op.
Eventually one writer prompts another with, "So, what do you think of TOR?" (All the BioWare representatives refer to it as TOR.) And the reactions are positive: the voice acting is great, gameplay is fun, and maybe the trash planet Hutta doesn't make for the most impressive starting area, but there are few complaints beyond game balance tweaks.
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Shana Hiatt Tara Conner Drea de Matteo Trista Rehn Moon Bloodgood
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