Throwing heat in the heat: Say you're a baseball pitcher. Want to get away with beaning an opposing batter? Do it on a cool night if you wish to avoid retaliation, according to a bunch of Duke's business school faculty. "Controlling for a number of other variables," they write, "we conducted analyses showing that the probability of a pitcher hitting a batter increases sharply at high temperatures when more of the pitcher’s teammates have been hit by the opposing team earlier in the game."
Capuchins get the girls by rubbing themselves with their own urine: Lots of animals mark their territory or advertise for a mate using pheromones in their urine (even fish do this). Capuchin monkeys, however, take an extra step to ensure that there's no doubt which individual was the source of the pheromones: they urinate onto their hands and rub it all over their fur. To confirm that this has its desired effect on the ladies, researchers put some female capuchins in an MRI tube, and then exposed them to urine from adult and juvenile males. The responses in the females' brains were significantly larger when the urine came from an adult. I suspect the same habit might get an equally large response from a human female brain, but perhaps not for the same reasons.
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Victoria Silvstedt Hilary Swank Whitney Port Minka Kelly Carol Grow
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